

JEF創立目的国際経済交流財団(JEF:Japan Economic Foundation)は、1981年7月に通商産業大臣の設立認可を受けて設立されました。



  1. 日本と外国との経済(地球環境面を含む)交流促進に資する事業
  2. 内外における産業及び貿易並びにそれらに係る政策に関する調査・研究及びその成果の普及並びに情報の収集及び提供
  3. 内外における産業及び貿易並びにそれらに係る政策に関する広報
  4. 内外における産業及び貿易の秩序ある発展に資するための助成その他の支援
  5. 前各号に付帯する事業
  6. その他財団の目的を達成するために必要な事業



名称 一般財団法人 国際経済交流財団
東京都中央区銀座3-7-3 銀座オーミビル5F
Email info@jef.or.jp

東京メトロ銀座線・丸の内線・日比谷線「銀座」駅 徒歩3分
東京メトロ日比谷線・都営浅草線・「東銀座」駅 徒歩3分
東京メトロ有楽町線・「銀座一丁目」駅 徒歩3分
JR線「有楽町」駅 徒歩6分



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  • JEFのフォーラムは、産・官・学の製作や取り組み状況が短時間で綜合的に理解が出来るので、とても有意義な参加だった。(メーカー)
  • 最先端技術の開発動向・方向性について、両国からの示唆に富んだ話があり、参加した価値があった。今後も継続して参加したい。(メーカー)
  • 各界の代表が直接意見をぶつけ合う機会があまりないので、このフォーラムはとても貴重である。また、直接の意見交換は理解も早い。(マスコミ有識者)


  • 時代の流れを反映した興味深いテーマで有益である。(企業)
  • 業界としても会員企業に配布して、業界発展に役立てている。(産業界)


  • 日本にこんなすばらしい雑誌が存在、流通していることは驚異である。(マスコミ有識者)
  • 幅の広い執筆人が名を連ねており、日本で出版されている英文雑誌の中で最も興味深いものだといえるだろう。(在日大使館職員)
  • これからはもっとアジア諸国にも配布してもらいたい。(企業・JETRO)
  • 本誌の配布先からは、最新かつ有益な情報が掲載されているとの高い評価をうけている。(在外公館・JETRO)

Journal of Japanese Trade & Industryに掲載された記事の一部は世界の一流大学でも教材として取り上げられています。

  • カリフォルニア大学ロサンジェルス校 (UCLA)
  • 南カリフォルニア大学 など


2017年度 日アジア太平洋フォーラム(マニラ)


テーマ Integration and Inclusiveness in a Digital Society
日時 2017年11月23日(木)オープンシンポジウム
会場 マルコポーロ オルティガス マニラ(フィリピン)
主催 フィリピン開発研究所 Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS)
一般財団法人 国際経済交流財団 Japan Economic Foundation (JEF)




議事要旨Summary in Japanese
Summary in English




テーマ 日米の経済政策課題
日時 2017年6月2日(金)10:00~17:15
会場 スタンフォード大学 エンシナホール
主催 スタンフォード大学 アジア・太平洋リサーチセンター
一般財団法人 国際経済交流財団

Japan-US Forum 2016More Pictures




議事要旨Summary in Japanese

発表資料Nicholas Bloom
Ito Takatoshi



2017年度 日欧フォーラム(ドイツ)


テーマ 荒海の回路を模索:世界経済及び成長と貿易の将来
日時 2017年5月18日(木)10:15~18:00
会場 ドイツ外交評議会(ベルリン)
主催 ドイツ外交評議会
一般財団法人 国際経済交流財団

3rd JEF-DGAP International Symposium




議事要旨Summary in Japanese

発表資料Prof. Mitsuhiro Fukao
Dr. Sota Kato
Mr. Tetsuro Fukunaga
Mr. Toshiyuki Shiga



2017年度 第4回 日中韓協力ダイアログ

テーマ Separating Economic and Environmental Cooperation from Politics: Promoting Common Prosperity
日時 2017年10月20日(金)
会場 プレジデントホテル(韓国・ソウル)
主催 East Asia Foundation
一般財団法人 国際経済交流財団



Japan SPOTLIGHT (January/February 2018)Second Round of JEF's CJK Cooperation Dialogue Highlights Readiness to Contribute to Global Leadership



出席者Korean delegation
Chinese delegation
Japanese delegation

発表資料Dr. Yoshino
Prof. Matsushita


Februay 22-23, 2011

1.Date Februay 22-23, 2011
JEF-AEI 2011JEF-AEI 2011
2.Venue Japan Economic Foundation (JEF)
Jiji Press Bldg., 11th Floor
5-15-8, Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0061
3.Sponsors Japan Economic Foundaion (JEF)
11 Fl., Jiji Press Bldg., 5-15-8, Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 104-0061 JAPAN
TEL: (81-3)5565-4821
FAX: (81-3)5565-4828
URL: http://www.jef.or.jp/
American Enterprise Institute (AEI)
1150 17th St., NW, Washington, DC 20036 U.S.A.
TEL: (1-202)862-7160
FAX: (1-202)862-4877
URL: http://www.aei.org/
4.Participants List
5.Topics Session 1 Political Outlook in Japan and the United States
Session 2 Coping with Changing Security Environment in Asia
Session 3 Trade Issue
Session 4 Global Economy and Finance
Part-1 Global Economic and Financial Outlook
Part-2 Emerging Shape of the World Economy and Financial
Systems After the Crises
6.Summary Summary
7.Chairman's Speech  

2011. FEBRUARY 2010. JANUARY 2009. FEBRUARY 2007. NOVEMBER 2006. NOVEMBER 2005. MAY 2004. JANUARY 2002. APRIL

4.Participants(Februay 22-23, 2011)

Japan side

Satoshi Akimoto Acting General Manager, Corporate Strategy & Research Department, Mitsubishi Corporation
Naoyuki Haraoka Executive Managing Director, Japan Economic Foundation (JEF)
Noboru Hatakeyama Chairman and CEO, Japan Economic Foundation (JEF)
Akinari Horii Special Adviser to the president, Canon Institute for Global Studies
Satoshi Ikeuchi Associate Professor, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Tokyo
Toshinori Kanemoto Attorney at Law, City-Yuwa Partners
Keiro Kitagami Member of the House of Representatives, the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ)
Akira Kojima Senior Research Fellow, Japan Center for Economic Research (JCER)
Hidehiro Konno Member of the Board, Mitsubishi Corporation (Co-chair)
Ryo Kubota Chairman, President & CEO, Acucela Inc.
Makoto Kuroda President, Center for Information on Strategic Trade Control (CISTEC)
Tadashi Nakamae President, Nakamae International Economic Research
Hidehiko Nishiyama Director-General for International Trade Policy, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
Shinichi Saito Director of International Affairs, Japan Economic Foundation (JEF)
Takashi Shiraishi Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS); President, Institute of Developing Economies-JETRO (Keynote speaker at the dinner on the 22nd of February)
Masakazu Toyoda Chairman and CEO of the Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ); former Vice Minister of METI
Mikio Wakatsuki Chairman, AXA Life Insurance Company Limited
Noboru Yamaguchi Lieutenant General, JGSDF (Ret.); Professor of military history and strategy, National Defense Academy

US side

Alan J. Auerbach Robert D. Burch Professor of Economics and Law, director of the Burch Center for Tax Policy and Public Finance
Michael Auslin Director of Japan Studies, AEI (Co-chair)
Claude Barfield Resident Scholar, AEI
Nicholas Eberstadt Henry Wendt Scholar in Political Economy, AEI
Kevin A. Hassett Senior Fellow and Director of Economic Policy Studies, AEI (Co-chair)
Adam Lerrick Visiting Scholar, AEI
Phill I. Levy Resident Scholar, AEI
Peter J. Wallison Arthur F. Burns Fellow in Financial Policy Studies, AEI

January 25-26, 2010

1.Date January 25-26, 2010
JEF-AEI 2010JEF-AEI 2010
2.Venue The American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research(AEI)
1150 17th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036
TEL: (1-202) 862-7160
FAX: (1-202) 862-4877
3.Sponsors Japan Economic Foundation (JEF)
Jiji Press Bldg. 11F, 5-15-8 Ginza
Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0061
TEL: (81-3) 5565-4824
FAX: (81-3) 5565-4828
American Enterprise Institute (AEI)
1150 17th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036
TEL: (1-202) 862-7160
FAX: (1-202) 862-4877
URL: http://aei.org/
4.Participants List
5.Topics Session I: Political Outlook in Japan and the United States- New leadership in Tokyo and Washington
Session II: The Global Economic Crisis One Year Later Part I: Global Economic Outlook
Session III: The Global Economic Crisis One Year Later Part II: Economic Outlook in Japan and the United States
Session IV: Security in Northeast Asia: New Challenges posed by North Korea
Session V: Economic and Financial Policies of China, Japan, and The United States
Session VI: Trade Issues: APEC, WTO, and U.S. Bilateral Trade Agreements in Asia
7.Chairman's Speech  

2011. FEBRUARY 2010. JANUARY 2009. FEBRUARY 2007. NOVEMBER 2006. NOVEMBER 2005. MAY 2004. JANUARY 2002. APRIL

4.Participants(January 25-26, 2010)

Japan side

Satohiro Akimoto SVP & General Manager, Washington Office, Mitsubishi International Corporation
Kenji Goto Minister, Embassy of Japan
Noboru Hatakeyam Chairman and CEO, Japan Economic Foundation (JEF)
Ryuichi Kataoka Director, Policy Planning and Research Division, Trade Policy Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade & Industry (METI)
Keiro Kitabgami Member of the House of Representatives, The Democratic Party of Japan
Akira Kojima Trustee & Senior Fellow, Japan Center for Economic Research (JCER)
Hidehiro Konno Corporate Advisor, Mitsubishi Corporation (co-chair)
Ryo Kubota Chairman, President & CEO, ACUCELA Inc.
Junichiro Kuroda Special Advisor to the Ministry of Economy, Trade & Industry (METI) and Director, JETRO New York
Makoto Kuroda President, Center for Information on Strategic Trade Control(CISTEC)
Ukeru Magosaki Former Japanese Ambassador to Iran /Former professor of National Defense Academy of Japan
Hidehiko Nishiyama Director-General for International Trade Policy, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
Akihiko Tamura Councilor for APEC, Trade Policy Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
Mikio Wakatsuki Chairman, AXA Life Insurance Company Limited
Shunji Yanai Judge, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea / Former Japanese Ambassador to the U.S.

US side

Michael Auslin Resident Scholar, AEI (co-chair)
Claude Barfield Resident Scholar, AEI
Dan Blumenthal Resident Fellow, AEI
Karlyn Bowman Senior Fellow, AEI
Nicholas Eberstadt Henry Wendt Scholar in Political Economy, AEI
Kevin Hasset Senior Fellow and Director of Economic Policy Studies, AEI
Desmond Lachman Resident Fellow, AEI
Phil Levy Resident Scholar, AEI
Robert Madsen Senior Fellow, Center for International Studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
John H. Makin Visiting Scholar, AEI (co-chair)
Allan Meltzer Visiting Scholar, AEI
Vincent Reinhart Resident Scholar, AEI
Tak Sonoda American Honda
Phill Swagel Visiting Scholar, AEI

February 26(Thur)-27(Fri), 2009

1.Date February 26(Thur)-27(Fri), 2009
JEF-AEI 2009JEF-AEI 2009
2.Venue Japan Economic Foundation (JEF)
Jiji Press Bldg., 11th Floor
5-15-8, Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0061
3.Sponsors Japan Economic Foundation (JEF)
American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (AEI)
4.Participants List
5.Topics Session 1: Political Outlook in Japan and the United States based on Key Challenges
Session 2: Economic Outlook in Japan and the United States~ Global Economic Crisis
Session 3: Trade Issues: WTO Round, Regional Economic Integration in Asia-Pacific
Session 4: Geopolitical & Strategic Implications of the Global Economic Crisis
7.Chairman's Speech  

2011. FEBRUARY 2010. JANUARY 2009. FEBRUARY 2007. NOVEMBER 2006. NOVEMBER 2005. MAY 2004. JANUARY 2002. APRIL

4.Participants(February 26(Thur)-27(Fri), 2009)

Michael Auslin Resident Scholar, AEI
Claude Barfield Resident Scholar, AEI
Nicholas Eberstadt Henry Wendt Chair in Political Economy, AEI
Peter Wallison Arthur F. Burns Fellow in Financial Policy Studies, AEI
Naoyuki Haraoka Executive Managing Director, Japan Economic Foundation (JEF)
Noboru Hatakeyama Chairman & CEO, Japan Economic Foundation (JEF)
Yoshimasa Hayashi Member, House of Councilors
Kuniko Inoguchi Member, House of Representatives *
Kazumasa Iwata President, Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) Cabinet Office
Toshinori Kanemoto Attorney at Law, City-Yuwa Partners
Yoshiyuki Kasai Chairman, Central Japan Railway Company (JR-Central)
Keichiro Kobayashi Senior Fellow, Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry IAA (RIETI)
Akira Kojima Trustee & Senior Fellow, Japan Center for Economic Research (JCER)
Hidehiro Konno Chairman and CEO, Nippon Export and Investment Insurance (NEXI)
Makoto Kuroda President, Center for Information on Strategic Trade Control (CISTEC)
Tadashi Nakamae President, Nakamae International Economic Research (NIER)
Michitaka Nakatomi President of Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)
Tatsuya Terazawa Director of Economic and Industrial Policy Division, Economic and Industry Policy Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
Masakazu Toyoda Secretary-General of Secretariat of Headquarters for Space Policy, Cabinet Secretariat, Advisor to Japan Economic Foundation (JEF)
Mikio Wakatsuki Chairman, AXA Life Insurance Company Limited

*lunch only

November 29(Thur)-30(Fri), 2007

1.Date November 29(Thur)-30(Fri), 2007
JEF-AEI 2007JEF-AEI 2007
2.Venue American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (AEI)
1150 Seventeenth Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036
3.Sponsors Japan Economic Foundation (JEF)
American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (AEI)
4.Participants List
5.Topics Session I: Economic Outlook in Japan and the United States:The Sub-prime and Credit Issue
Session II: Economic and Financial Policies of China, Japan, and the United States
Session III: Political Outlook in Japan and the United States
Session IV: Japanese, Chinese, and U.S. Joint Security Issues:North Korea and Asia
Session V: Trade Issues: WTO Round, Japan-U.S. Free Trade Agreements, and Asian Trade Issues
Session VI: China and Asia in the Global Economy
7.Chairman's Speech  

2011. FEBRUARY 2010. JANUARY 2009. FEBRUARY 2007. NOVEMBER 2006. NOVEMBER 2005. MAY 2004. JANUARY 2002. APRIL

4.Participants(November 29(Thur)-30(Fri), 2007)

Michael Auslin Resident Scholar in Asian Studies, AEI
Claude Barfield Resident Scholar in International Trade and Finance, AEI
Karlyn Bowman Senior Fellow in Political Studies, AEI
Robert Dugge Managing Director, Tudor Investment Company
Nicholas Eberstadt Henry Wendt Scholar in Political Economy, AEI
Kenji Goto Minister, Embassy of Japan
Christopher Griffin Research Fellow in Foreign and Defense Policy Studies, AEI
Noboru Hatakeyama Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Japan Economic Foundation (JEF)
Kazumasa Iwata Deputy Governor, Bank of Japan
Toshinori Kanemoto Former Director of Cabinet Intelligence, Cabinet Secretariat; Attorney at Law, City-Yuwa Partners
Junichiro Kuroda Special Advisor to the Ministry of Economy, Trade & Industry (METI) and Director, JETRO New York
Makoto Kuroda President, World Economic Information Service (WEIS)
Desmond Lachman Resident Fellow in General Economics, AEI
Adam Lerrick Visiting Scholar in General Economics, AEI
Phil Levy Resident Scholar in International Trade and Development, AEI
Robert Madsen Senior Fellow, Center for International Studies, MIT
John Makin Visiting Scholar, AEI
Allan Meltzer Visiting Scholar in General Economics, AEI
Ryo Minami Chief Representative, Nippon Export and Investment Insurance (NEXI), New York
Naruki Mori Chief Representative, Bank of Japan, Representative Office in Washington DC
Tadashi Nakamae President, Nakamae International Economic Research (NIER)
Alex Pollock Resident Fellow in Financial Market Studies, AEI
Vincent Reinhart Resident Scholar in Economic Policy, AEI
Phillip Swagel Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy, U.S. Department of theTreasury
Mikio Wakatsuki Chairman, AXA Life Insurance Company Limited


November 16th(Thur)-17(Fri), 2006

1.Date November 16th(Thur)-17(Fri), 2006
JEF-AEI 2006JEF-AEI 2006
2.Venue Japan Economic Foundation
Jiji Press Bldg., 11F, 2-2, 5-15-8, Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0061
TEL: 03-5565-4821 FAX: 03-5565-4828
3.Co-hosted Japan Economic Foundation(JEF)
American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (AEI)
4.Participants List
5.Program Session 1:Economic Outlook of Japan and the United States
Session 2:Japan and US Trade Relations in the context of Asian Regional Integration (FTA)
Session 3: Political Outlook in Japan and the United States
Session 4 : Japanese, Chinese, and U.S. Joint Security Issues:North Korea and Asia
Session 5: Economic and Financial Policies of China, Japan and the United States
Session 6: China in the Global Economy
7.Chairman's Speech  

2011. FEBRUARY 2010. JANUARY 2009. FEBRUARY 2007. NOVEMBER 2006. NOVEMBER 2005. MAY 2004. JANUARY 2002. APRIL

4.Participants(November 16th(Thur)-17(Fri), 2006)


Noboru Hatakeyama Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,
Japan Economic Foundation (JEF)
Junichi Hattori Chairman and CEO, Seiko Instruments Inc. (SII)
Kazumasa Iwata Deputy Governor, Bank of Japan
Toshinori Kanemoto Former Director of Cabinet Intelligence, Cabinet Secretariat
Yoshiyuki Kasai Chairman, Central Japan Railway Company (JR-Central)
Akira Kojima Chairman, Japan Center for Economic Research (JCER)
Hidehiro Konno Chairman and CEO, Nippon Export and Investment Insurance (NEXI)
Makoto Kuroda President, Center for Information on Security Trade Control
President, World Economic Information Service (WEIS)
Adviser, Japan Economic Foundation (JEF)
Nobutaka Machimura Former Minister for Foreign Affairs
Member of the House of Representatives, Liberal Democratic Party
Tadashi Nakamae President, Nakamae International Economic Research
Masao Nishimura Executive Managing Director, Japan Economic Foundation (JEF)
Akihiko Tamura Visiting Fellow, East Asian International Economic Law & Policy Programme, Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong
Mikio Wakatsuki Chairman, AXA Life Insurance Company Limited Senior Fellow, The Japan Research Institute, Limited Member of the Supervisory Committee of The Norinchukin Bank
Taizo Yakushiji Member of the Council for Science and Technology Policy, Cabinet Office Executive research director of the Institute for International Policy Studies Member of the law faculty of Keio University


Claude Barfield Resident Scholar, AEI
Dan Blumenthal Resident Fellow in Asian Studies, AEI
Nicholas Eberstadt Henry Wendt Chair in Political Economy, AEI
Christopher Griffin Research Associate in Asian Studies, AEI
Adam Lerrick Visiting Scholar, AEI
John H. Makin Visiting Scholar, AEI
Danielle Pletka Vice President for Foreign and Defense Policy Studies, AEI
Alex J. Pollock Resident Fellow, AEI


Harvey Zhaohui Chen President, The First Light Academy of Economics and Management
The First Light Academy College of Finance and Management, Shanghai
Yu Yongding (invited) Director-General and Senior Fellow,
Institute of World Economics and Politics,
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS)Professor,
Department of World Economics,
Post-Graduate School of CASS

May 2nd(Mon)-3rd(Tue), 2005

1.Date May 2nd(Mon)-3rd(Tue), 2005
JEF-AEI 2005JEF-AEI 2005
2.Venue American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (AEI)
1150 Seventeenth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036-4600
TEL: 1-202-862-5800 FAX: 1-202-862-7177
3.Co-hosted Japan Economic Foundation(JEF)
American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (AEI)
4.Participants List
5.Program Session I: U.S. and Japanese Economies, Financial Markets, and Policies
Session II: Political Outlook and Trade Issues in the United States and Japan
Session III: Changing Economic and Political Role of China in Asia:Implications for Japan and the United States
Session IV: Japanese and U.S. Joint Security Issues
Session V: Global Economic Outlook and the Role of Supra-National Institutions
7.Chairman's Speech  

2011. FEBRUARY 2010. JANUARY 2009. FEBRUARY 2007. NOVEMBER 2006. NOVEMBER 2005. MAY 2004. JANUARY 2002. APRIL

4.Participants(May 2nd(Mon)-3rd(Tue), 2005)

Japanese Participants

Hatakeyama Noboru Chairman and CEO, Japan Economic Foundation (JEF)
Ishii Hiroaki Minister, Embassy of Japan in the United States
Iwata Kazumasa Deputy Governor, Bank of Japan
Kasai Yoshiyuki Chairman, Central Japan Railway Company (JR-Central)
Kojima Akira Chairman, Japan Center for Economic Research (JCER)
Konno Hidehiro Chairman and CEO, Nippon Export and Investment Insurance (NEXI)
Kuroda Makoto President, World Economic Information Service (WEIS) and Adviser, Japan Economic Foundation (JEF)
Nakamae Tadashi President, Nakamae International Economic Research

American Participants

Daniel Blumenthal Resident fellow and director of the Asian Studies Program,American Enterprise Institute (AEI)
Karlyn H. Bowman Resident fellow at American Enterprise Institute (AEI)and Senior editor of The American Enterprise magazine
Charles W. Calomiris Visiting scholar and the co-director of the Project on Financial Dregulation at American Enterprise Institute (AEI)
Nicholas Eberstadt Henry Wendt Chair in Political Economy ,American Enterprise Institute (AEI) and Senior Adviser to the National Bureau of Asian Research (NBR)
Eric M. Engen Former-resident scholar at American Enterprise Institute (AEI)
Kevin A. Hassett Director of Economic Policy Studies and Resident Scholar,American Enterprise Institute (AEI)
Desmond Lachman Resident scholar, American Enterprise Institute (AEI)
James R. Lilley Senior fellow in Asian studies, American Enterprise Institute (AEI)
Lawrence B. Lindsey President and Chief Executive Officer, Lindsey Group
John H. Makin Visiting scholar, American Enterprise Institute (AEI)
Allan H. Meltzer Visiting scholar, American Enterprise Institute (AEI) and Allan H. Meltzer University Professor of Political Economy at Carnegie Mellon University.
Gary Saxonhouse Visiting scholar, American Enterprise Institute (AEI)

January 15-16, 2004

1.Date January 15-16, 2004
JEF-AEI 2004JEF-AEI 2004
2.Venue Japan Economic Foundation(JEF)
Jiji Press Bldg., 11F, 2-2, 5-15-8, Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0061
TEL: 03-5565-4824 / FAX: 03-5565-4828
3.Sponsors Japan Economic Foundation(JEF)
American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (AEI)
4.Participants List
5.Topics Session I: Japanese and U.S. Economies, Financial Markets, and Policies
Session II: Political Outlook in Japan and the U.S.
Session III: Trade and Investment Issues and Free Trade Areas
Session IV: Joint Security Issues and the Role of Japan and the U.S. in the World
Session V: Global Economic Outlook
7.Chairman's Speech  

2011. FEBRUARY 2010. JANUARY 2009. FEBRUARY 2007. NOVEMBER 2006. NOVEMBER 2005. MAY 2004. JANUARY 2002. APRIL

4.Participants(January 15-16, 2004)

(Alphabetical order of surname)

Karlyn H. Bowman Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute
Eric M. ENGEN Resident Scholar, American Enterprise Institute
Noboru HATAKEYAMA Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Japan Economic Foundation
Junichi HATTORI Vice Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Seiko Instruments, Inc.
Ryozo HAYASHI Consulting Fellow, Research Institute of Economy, Trade & Industry (RIETI)
R. Glenn HUBBARD Visiting Scholar, American Enterprise Institute and Russell L. Carson Professor of Economics and Finance, Columbia Business School
Kazumasa IWATA Deputy Governor, Bank of Japan
Akira KOJIMA Managing Director and Editorial Page Editor, Nihon Keizai Shimbun
Fumiaki KUBO Professor of Faculty of Law, Tokyo University and Visiting Professor of Faculty of Law, Keio University
Haruhiko KURODA * Dinner Keynote Speaker * Special Advisor of Japanese Cabinet Office and Former Vice Minister for International Affairs of Japanese Ministry of Finance
Makoto KURODA Adviser, Japan Economic Foundation and President, World Economic Information Service
Lawrence B. LINDSEY President, Lindsey Group
Robyn LIM Professor of International Relations, Nanzan University
Nobutaka MACHIMURA Director-General of Election Bureau, Liberal Democratic Party of Japan
John H. MAKIN Resident Scholar and Director of Fiscal Policy Studies, American Enterprise Institute
Tadashi NAKAMAE President, Nakamae International Economic Research
Keisuke SADAMORI Director of Americas Division, Trade Policy Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry
Nobuo TANAKA Director-General of Multilateral Trade System Department, Trade Policy Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry
Hiroshi TSUCHIYA Executive Managing Director, Japan Economic Foundation
Mikio WAKATSUKI Chairman of the Board of Counselors, Japan Research Institute
Peter J. WALLISON Resident Fellow and Co-director of Financial Deregulation Project, American Enterprise Institute

April 29-30, 2002

1.Date April 29-30, 2002
2.Venue American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (AEI)
1150 Seventeenth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036-4600
Tel 202-862-5800 Fax 202-862-7177
3.Sponsors Japan Economic Foundation (JEF)
American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (AEI)
4.Participants List
5.Topics Session I: U.S. and Japanese Economies, Financial Markets, and Policies
Session II: Political Outlook in the United States and Japan
Session III: U.S.-Japan Trade Issues, the Roles of the WTO and China
Session IV: Japanese and U.S. Joint Security Issues, North Korea, and Terrorism
Session V: Global Economic Outlook and the Role of Supra-National Institutions
7.Chairman's Speech  

2011. FEBRUARY 2010. JANUARY 2009. FEBRUARY 2007. NOVEMBER 2006. NOVEMBER 2005. MAY 2004. JANUARY 2002. APRIL

4.Participants(April 29-30, 2002)

(Alphabetical order of surname)

David L. Asher senior adviser in the Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs at the U.S. Department of State
Claude E. Barfield resident scholar and the director of trade and science policy studies and technology policy studies at AEI
Karlyn H. Bowman resident fellow at the AEI and the "gOpinion Pulse" h editor for The American Enterprise, the Institute's flagship magazine.
Charles W. Calomiris Arthur F. Burns Scholar in Economics at AEI and Paul M. Montrone Professor of Finance and Economics at the Columbia University School of Business.
Robert H. Dugger Managing director of the Tudor Investment Corporation
Nicholas N. Eberstadt Henry Wendt Scholar in Political Economy at AEI and a member of Harvard University's Center for Population and Development Studies
James K. Glassman resident fellow at AEI and the host of TechCentralStation.com
G. William Hoagland Staff director of the U.S. Senate Committee on the Budget
R. Glenn Hubbard Chairman of the U.S. President's Council of Economic Advisers
Kazumasa Iwata Director-general in charge of economic assessment and policy analysis for the Japanese Cabinet Office and concurrently a professor at the Department of Advanced Social and International Studies at the University of Tokyo
Yasuhiro Kawaguchi Economic counselor at the Embassy of Japan in Washington, D.C.
Akira Kojima Managing director and chief editorial page editor of the Nihon Keizai Shimbun.
Makoto Kuroda President of the World Economic Information Service and of the Center for Information on Security Trade Control
James R. Lilley Senior fellow at AEI and a senior adviser of the Institute for Global Chinese Affairs at the University of Maryland, College Park
Nobutaka Machimura Representative of the Japanese Diet and the acting secretary-general of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party of Japan (LDP)
John H. Makin Resident scholar and director of fiscal policy studies at AEI.
Allan H. Meltzer University Professor of Political Economy at Carnegie Mellon University and a visiting scholar at AEI
Naoko Munakata Senior fellow at the Research Institute of Economy, Trade, and Industry (RIETI) and a visiting scholar at the Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C.
Katsuhiro Nakagawa Managing director of the Toyota Motor Co.
Tadashi Nakamae President of Nakamae International Economic Research
Adam Posen Senior fellow at the Institute for International Economics
Yoshihiro Sakai Fellow at AEI
Nicholas Sargen Managing director of J.P. Morgan and the chief investment strategist for private clients
Gary Saxonhouse Professor of economics at the University of Michigan and the director of its Committee on Comparative and Historical Research on Market Economies
Joseph R. Schmuckler Chief operating officer, as well as a member of the Board of Directors and Management Committee, of Nomura Holding America
Mikio Wakatsuki Chairman of the Board of Counselors at the Japan Research Institute
Peter J. Wallison Resident fellow and as the codirector of its program on financial market deregulation
Taizo Yakushiji Executive research director of the Institute for International Policy Studies and a member of the law faculty of Keio University
Jai-Hoon Yang